Welcom to the The Garden

In the nearly cloudless sky, the mid-day sun shins down, pleasantly warming the garden. A dark gray stone path winds through shrubs, it is littered with petals from the large cherry blossoms that hang overhead. The blossoms give off a light perfume that mixes with the scent of white tea emanating from deeper within the garden.

You continue following the path and the sound of laughter and conversation becomes clearer. As you approach the center of the gardenand a cool spring breeze gently blows through the trees, rustling the hair and lacy ruffles of the attendees as they enjoy their afternoon tea. The gust sends a flurry of pink blossoms fluttering down to the garden, Quiet flute music can be heard intermittently. The music is coming from the left side of the garden, the origin is an almost translucent crystalline flute the color of rip cantelope. It is being played by a tall musician sitting on one of the gardens benches, they are wearing a pink and ivory dress with an ornate pastel print on the skirt. Pink and ivory dress with an ornate pastel print on the skirt.

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